Friday 21 December 2018

Post 30 - Birch Bay Windstorm and Flooding - December 2018

The time to prepare is NOW – once the Disaster STRIKES it will be too late.  Your family is counting on you! 

By Jackie Kloosterboer – Speaker, Trainer, 

Author – My Earthquake Preparedness Guide 

Earthquakes have been my area of expertise for over 20 years – teaching people like you  how to prepare your family and pets, how to better survive an earthquake or whatever disaster comes your way.

Yesterday this message was once again confirmed.  If you, your family and pets are ready for an Earthquake you will be ready for whatever disaster comes your way.

Birch Bay, like many coastal communities in BC and Washington State were ravaged with  massive windstorms that caused widespread damage  - flooding, trees down, extensive power outages to name a few.  Birch Bay a small community was hit hard. Windows were blown out of restaurants, the main road was closed due to damage and covered in logs from the beach, trees were down closing other roads - making access to homes difficult.

As I was standing there watching the waves crash against the main street it really brought home the importance of being prepared. Unlike many families, we were able to access our place in Birch Bay, there was a bit of a detour,  but at least we could.

Its also interesting the reaction people have to disaster events. A common phrase I hear teaching Earthquake Preparedness Sessions is it will never happen hear. Everyone I spoke to uttered the same phrase -  I can't believe it, I have never seen anything like it.  Wow - what are we going to do?  People and residents were in shock watching these waves devour their comminity, thier homes and livelihoods.

The Key Message is the same - Disaster can Happen and they Do Happen.  What are you going to do to get you, your family and pets ready for a disaster.  It could be an earthquake, it could be a flood or fire. We don't know - but what we do know is those who are prepared will better survive whatever disaster comes their way.  



Jackie Kloosterboer - BIO
Jackie Kloosterboer has been leading the way in earthquake preparedness for 2 decades presenting more than 100 Earthquake Preparedness workshops each year to a variety of groups and businesses. She is often interviewed by media outlets across Canada as she promotes the importance of earthquake and disaster preparedness.

As an Emergency Preparedness Specialist and an Instructor with the Justice Institute of BC Jackie travels across Canada teaching people how to respond to disasters to help those who have been displaced. Throughout British Columbia Jackie has taken on leadership roles assisting those who have been impacted by disaster.

Contact Jackie to speak at your next group or business event to help you, your family, your staff and pets get prepared for earthquakes or whatever disaster comes your way. Jackie will lead you through the necessary steps helping you identify what is important to you and your family or business.  

To reach Jackie with any questions or to book her for your next event contact her at or call (604) 355-2414.

Jackie is available for:
  • Earthquake Preparedness Workshops
  • Preparedness Plans
  • In-Home Walk-Throughs
  • Preparedness Kits
  • Media Interviews


Friday 30 November 2018

Post 29 Earthquake - OMG What do I do if I am not home? What will my Family do?

Answers to your Earthquake Preparedness Questions

The time to prepare is NOW – once the Earthquake STRIKES it will be too late.  Your family is counting on you! 

By Jackie Kloosterboer – Speaker, Trainer, 

Author – My Earthquake Preparedness Guide 

The 7.0 earthquake today in Anchorage  Alaska sure got me thinking. Based on the activity on Facebook and Twitter I think it has a lot of people thinking.  But what are they thinking about.....what are you thinking about?  I hope you are asking the questions I asked myself today.

Right now I am on the road and I am a lot closer to Anchorage than I am when I am in Vancouver.  I have been teaching Emergency Social Services Volunteers how to open a Reception Centre in the event of an emergency or disaster in Prince George.  

When I got the news of the Earthquake it really got me thinking about my family and I took a couple of minutes to answer the following questions.  I hope you have answers to these questions because your family is counting on you!
  • what if this earthquake had been in Vancouver and I am not home what would my family do?  
  • What if I couldn't get home - what if the airport was closed to due to the Earthquake how would my family survive without me?  

I quickly check off the answers which are incorporated in my family Earthquake Plan, I take a deep breath and relax.  I am prepared, my family is prepared and we have thought this through on many occasions.  What about you - what would you do if you were on the road and your family was home alone facing an earthquake?

I encourage you to take this seriously, let this be your wake-up call and make sure you your family and pets are prepared.  There are a number of steps you can take to get prepared.

  1. Book a Survive-It Workshop!
  2. Check with your Community as many offer Earthquake Preparedness Sessions
  3. Go and purchase an Earthquake Kit  or put one together yourself.  Visit my website for a list of items that you need to store.
  4. Identify how you and your family would connect if phone lines were down.
  5. Practice what to do when the ground starts moving.
  6. Order a copy of my book My Earthquake Preparedness Guide which will take you step by step through the process on how to prepare your family and pets.

You have many options to get prepared - but you have to TAKE ACTION.  Thinking about it is not good enough. Make a promise to your family that this weekend you will take the first step to getting prepared.

The time to do it is now.  Once the earthquake strikes it will be too late.....and how will you explain that to your family.

Have questions – don’t hesitate to ask. Until next time – Stay safe and make sure you, your family and pets are prepared for earthquakes or any disaster that may come your way.


Jackie Kloosterboer - BIO
Jackie Kloosterboer has been leading the way in earthquake preparedness for 2 decades presenting more than 100 Earthquake Preparedness workshops each year to a variety of groups and businesses. She is often interviewed by media outlets across Canada as she promotes the importance of earthquake and disaster preparedness.

As an Emergency Preparedness Specialist and an Instructor with the Justice Institute of BC Jackie travels across Canada teaching people how to respond to disasters to help those who have been displaced. Throughout British Columbia Jackie has taken on leadership roles assisting those who have been impacted by disaster.

Contact Jackie to speak at your next group or business event to help you, your family, your staff and pets get prepared for earthquakes or whatever disaster comes your way. Jackie will lead you through the necessary steps helping you identify what is important to you and your family or business.  

To reach Jackie with any questions or to book her for your next event contact her at or call (604) 355-2414.

Jackie is available for:
  • Earthquake Preparedness Workshops
  • Preparedness Plans
  • In-Home Walk-Throughs
  • Preparedness Kits
  • Media Interviews

Thursday 31 May 2018

Post 28 - Earthquake Preparedness - What about our kids in daycare?

Answers to your Earthquake Preparedness Questions

After an Earthquake roads and bridges may be closed - how will you pick up your child from daycare?

The time to prepare is NOW. once the Earthquake STRIKES it will be too late.  Your family is counting on you!!!

By Jackie Kloosterboer – Speaker, Trainer, 

Author – My Earthquake Preparedness Guide 

"Jacob, is 2 ½ years old and like many kids his age, he spends Monday through Friday at daycare. Both my husband and I work downtown and cross a bridge to get home from work.  What will we do after an earthquake if roads and bridges are closed"?  "How will we get to his daycare to pick him up"?

As the young woman was asking the question you could see the colour drain from her face as the reality set in.  She was trying to make sense of how they could possibly get to Jacob's Daycare when facing a massive earthquake. She was gravely concerned and rightly so.  What about you - what would you do in this situation?

Imagine  -  if roads and bridges were damaged and you could not get to your child's Daycare?  What if phones were not working - how would you make contact to find out your son or daughter was OK?

The questions this young woman was asking were excellent questions - questions all parents need to be asking. More importantly, parents need to sit down with their daycare providers to find out what emergency/disaster plans your daycares have in place and find out what disaster supplies they have to look after your children when faced with disaster. 

Questions to Ask your Daycare Provider about Emergencies and Disasters?

What is your emergency plan?   Find out what emergency plans your daycare has in place.  Do they even have an emergency plan?  Do they know what they would do when facing a fire, a flood or an earthquake?  From my experience, daycares operate differently, some are licensed facilities, some are private, and some kids are provided care by grandparents or friends helping us out – but it doesn’t matter who provides the care for your child.  What matters is - as a parent -  you need to know what your daycare provider has in place to look after your kids when faced with a disaster until you can pick them up.

What emergency supplies does your daycare have to support your kids? Food, water, flashlights, batteries, diapers are a few crucial items that will be needed to look after your kids in the aftermath of a disaster.  What if your child takes medications, how will he/she receive the medications they need if you are overdue in picking him/her up from daycare?  Make sure you find out what supplies are in place at your child's daycare.

Should you send supplies to your child's daycare?  Send your child with a Grab and Go Kit containing items they will need to better survive in the aftermath of a disaster. You want to include the basics such as a change of clothes, medications, diapers, formula, food, water to mention a few.  And don't forget to include a note from mom and dad - this can be a real comfort to your child as he/she is waiting for you to come and pick them up.  For more info on Grab and Go Kits click here Grab & Go Kit - Extras or Grab and Go Kit Basics

With medications always talk to your family Dr about the best way to do this.  Some meds may need to be refrigerated.  Let your daycare provider know there are meds in the kit in case other kids have access to the kits.

What if you can’t get to the Daycare by your regular pick-up time?  This can easily be remedied by having trusted friends or family who live in the area be able to pick them up.  In most daycares they will ask for a list of people who are authorized to pick up your kids in case you are not able too.  We never know where we will be when facing an emergency or disaster.  Even if you work in the neighbourhood having others identified to pick up your kids is essential – you may have an appointment or meeting on the other side of the bridge and unable to return home when facing a disaster.

Who is your Out of Area Contact?  Provide your daycare with your Out of Area Contact.  If you are unable to connect with your daycare you may be able to get info on your kids using your Out of Area Contact. Your Out of Area contact may be the only way you have to connect with your family.   To find out what an Out of Area contact is use this link. Out of Area Contact

Our kids will always be our #1 priority and by following the steps above and having your Family Disaster Plans in place will serve you and your family well when facing an earthquake or any disaster. 



Jackie Kloosterboer - BIO
Jackie Kloosterboer has been leading the way in earthquake preparedness for 2 decades presenting more than 100 Earthquake Preparedness workshops each year to a variety of groups and businesses. She is often interviewed by media outlets across Canada as she promotes the importance of earthquake and disaster preparedness.

As an Emergency Preparedness Specialist and an Instructor with the Justice Institute of BC Jackie travels across Canada teaching people how to respond to disasters to help those who have been displaced. Throughout British Columbia Jackie has taken on leadership roles assisting those who have been impacted by disaster.

Contact Jackie to speak at your next group or business event to help you, your family, your staff and pets get prepared for earthquakes or whatever disaster comes your way. Jackie will lead you through the necessary steps helping you identify what is important to you and your family or business.  

To reach Jackie with any questions or to book her for your next event contact her at or call (604) 355-2414.

Jackie is available for:
  • Earthquake Preparedness Workshops
  • Preparedness Plans
  • In-Home Walk-Throughs
  • Preparedness Kits
  • Media Interviews

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Post 27 Earthquake Preparedness - Insurance - Are you covered?

Answering your Earthquake Preparedness Questions

The time to prepare is NOW – once the Earthquake STRIKES it will be too late.  Your family is counting on you! 

By Jackie Kloosterboer – Speaker, Trainer, 

Author – My Earthquake Preparedness Guide 

An arm in the back of the Earthquake Preparedness Workshop I was conducting shot up.  The young woman slowly stands up – for 8 years I have had tenant’s insurance and have never had to use it – why should I bother having insurance - I could spend that money on my family.

My heart sinks……  Responding to upwards of 20 house and apartment fires each year in Vancouver, I far too often hear from the people displaced "Why did I cancel my insurance?"  I had it for years and never needed it and now I do need insurance and I don’t have it. What will me and family do – where will we go?

My heart now breaks as I watch family’s survey the damage to their homes after a fire.  Their first thought is always their “things.”  They realize their clothes are smoke damaged beyond repair, the contents of their home are not salvageable and then the reality sets in  and they realize they have nowhere to go.  Family and friends can help for a few days then what will happen to them- where will they go until they can return home in a few weeks or in some cases several months?

Now - imagine you are home and there has been a fire in your home.  You and your family grab your Grab and Go Kits containing the basic items you will need and you get outside to safety. 

Standing outside, you reach into your Grab and go Kit and get the copy of your insurance policy you have tucked away.  A quick call to your insurance provider and they advise you to check into a hotel, save your receipts and they will get the ball rolling on what can be done to look after you, your family and your home. 

A restoration company will be dispatched to start on the daunting task of getting your home back to 

4 items to keep in mind regarding your home insurance

1.        Make sure you know what is covered in your policy. I am not an insurance expert and from my experience people often have no idea what their insurance will cover or not cover.  Check with your insurance company and make sure you understand what is covered in your insurance policy.

Young man in suit showing an insurance policy รข€” stock photo2.        If you live in a Strata you MUST get homeowners insurance.  Your strata should have insurance for the building which you help pay for in your monthly strata fees but this DOES NOT cover the contents in your unit. Check with your strata and insurance company if you have questions.

3.        Make sure your insurance automatically renews each year.  I recently was assisting a family following a fire and they had forgotten to renew their home insurance. This caused many problems which could have been easily avoided if the insurance policy was in good standing.  Put the expiry date on your calendar as a reminder to renew.

4.        If you live in a area that can be impacted by Flooding – check with your insurance company to see what is covered and not covered.  Each policy is different and there are conditions you need to be aware of living in a flood zone.

The Million Dollar Question – do I need Earthquake Insurance to protect my family and home? A great question to ask your Insurance Company and they can explain how the process works. I have earthquake insurance and I take comfort in knowing that. After talking to my insurance company, I felt in my situation it was the right thing to do.  

Your takeaway from this post - reach out to your Insurance Company and get those insurance questions answered.  They are the experts and they can help you determine what your family needs to be covered for whatever disaster comes your way.  If you don't have insurance call an insurance company and get your policy in place. Once the fire, flood or earthquake has impacted you and your family, it will be too late!

Have questions – don’t hesitate to ask. Until next time – Stay safe and make sure you, your family and pets are prepared for earthquakes or any disaster that may come your way.



Jackie Kloosterboer - BIO
Jackie Kloosterboer has been leading the way in earthquake preparedness for 2 decades presenting more than 100 Earthquake Preparedness workshops each year to a variety of groups and businesses. She is often interviewed by media outlets across Canada as she promotes the importance of earthquake and disaster preparedness.

As an Emergency Preparedness Specialist and an Instructor with the Justice Institute of BC Jackie travels across Canada teaching people how to respond to disasters to help those who have been displaced. Throughout British Columbia Jackie has taken on leadership roles assisting those who have been impacted by disaster.

Contact Jackie to speak at your next group or business event to help you, your family, your staff and pets get prepared for earthquakes or whatever disaster comes your way. Jackie will lead you through the necessary steps helping you identify what is important to you and your family or business.  

To reach Jackie with any questions or to book her for your next event contact her at or call (604) 355-2414.

Jackie is available for:
  • Earthquake Preparedness Workshops
  • Preparedness Plans
  • In-Home Walk-Throughs
  • Preparedness Kits
  • Media Interviews